About Us

Healthy Lifestyle Network, Inc is a 501c3 organization with a mission to teach self management skills to adults and children to effect lifestyle changes and improve health outcomes.
Programs include, Youth and Adult Healthy Lifestyle Jamboree, Community Health Day both in Charleston., SC the Shelton Project and LifeChance Program in Port Antonio, Jamaica.
HLN conducts the Youth and Adult Healthy Lifestyle Jamboree in May each year. The day is devoted to teaching nutrition and physical activity, starting with a 5K Walk, followed by nutrition seminar, crock pot cook-off, and various indoor and outdoor activities..
Community Health Day Conference and Expo provides education for people with diabetes or those at risk for getting diabetes. It is held the first Saturday in November to launch National Diabetes Day. The sessions are conducted by health professionals and allow participants to interact with doctors in a less formal atmosphere and avoid the white coat syndrome.
The Shelton Project is conducted in Jamaica and has two components. The first is a Four Prong Program that involves the Infant and Basic School Children. The prongs are:
Environment- teaching the children to plant trees, flowers, vegetables, to conserve natural resources and minimize our carbon footprint.
Nutrition – teaching healthy food choices and the concept of eating what you plant.
Reading- encourage reading by establishing libraries in all the schools. The students are allowed to read before, and after school while waiting to be picked up and during class upon completion of assignment with the teacher’s permission . The Reading Mother Volunteer reads to children before and after school.
Physical Activity- by teaching the children to play football (soccer) and forming an Infant Basic School Little League and having an annual tournament.
LifeChance – this program provides vocational training to enable self employment, empowering the women to improve their financial situation.
Women and girls conference, “You are Royalty, Sparkle, and Shine,” designed to educate and bring awareness to the offenses and prevention of childhood sexual abuse. The goal of this event is to restore dignity to the victims; empower women and girls to speak up and break the silence; provide hope, healing and the promise of a better tomorrow.
Healthy Lifestyle Network also conducts a Darkness to Light training on the awareness and prevention of childhood sexual abuse for leaders of the Port Antonio community.